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LANGAN/Donald J. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Application Instructions

The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) Educational Trust is pleased to announce the 2024 “LANGAN/Donald J. Murphy Memorial  Scholarship. The scholarship will provide an award to a student from NYU Tandon School of Engineering who is in good standing and enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate program with focus on environmental engineering.  The scholarship honors the late Donald J. Murphy, a distinguished former member of Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, for his contributions to the deep foundations industry. All applications must be submitted to the Deep Foundations Institute Educational Trust as detailed below.

The 2024 Application period is closed. The 2025 Application period will open Fall 2025.


  • Applicants must be students at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and must be currently enrolled full time (as defined by the school) and pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree with focus on environmental engineering.
  • The minimum GPA is 3.0.
  • Students must demonstrate an interest in environmental engineering.
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
  • Applicants must provide the Trust will all required contact information.

Scholarships are awarded based on standards that do not discriminate relative to the applicant’s race, color, religion, age, gender, orientation, nationality or ethnic origin.

Online Application Requirements:

  • Complete all items on application.

Required Documents (to be uploaded with application):

  • Personal essay no more than 500 words highlighting why the applicant chose to pursue a career in environmental engineering, extra-curricular activities, leadership capabilities, long term plans and goals, and any special  financial need.
  • One-page résumé, including work experience, honors, activities and organizations.
  • One official transcript.
  • Two signed letters of recommendation, one of which must be completed by a faculty member at the applicant’s school.

Submission Requirements

  • The application and all supporting documentation must be submitted no later than October 31, 2024. Applications missing any of the required items will not be considered.
  • The DFI Educational Trust will notify all applicants of the result of their applications on or about Dec 15, 2024.
  • Applicants, as a condition of eligibility for being considered for a scholarship, must consent to their resume being posted on the DFI website for review by DFI members as potential employers.
  • Applicants may be required to participate in a personal telephone interview with a Trust Board member.
  • If selected as a recipient, as a condition of funding, applicant agrees to participate in a follow-up career survey that will be sent by the Trust at some point after the applicant’s graduation.

The 2024 application period will open September 16, 2024.


One scholarship, in the amount of US$6,250, will be awarded in 2024. Award may be used for funding tuition, fees, books, and/or educational living expenses.

The DFI Educational Trust will notify the winner on or about December 15, 2024.

Applicants, as a condition of eligibility for being considered for a scholarship, must consent to their resume being posted on the DFI website for review by DFI members as potential employers.

Scholarship checks, payable to the students, will be sent in January 2025 after proof of enrollment and other required information is received by the DFI Educational Trust.